Monday, January 4, 2016


That might be a little dramatic... but I am sad today.  The kids are back in school.  Normally I would be doing backflips, so you can imagine my surprise at these feelings.  Ha!  The break was good.  Entertaining.  Didn't leave the house for days, lived in our PJs kind of days.  I felt relaxed... I miss that already.
Back to the grind. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


I am keeping separate thoughts in separate posts.  The Bug started clapping today!  I was at work and grandma called me to talk about something else and then said, off hand 'Ive never seen her play pat-a-cake with me, this is new...'.  Uh, yes!  We have been working and singing and encouraging her to clap for at least 6 months.  It is quite adorable to see her do.  Its not even a college try, she is really doing it, and WELL.
This is the thing about Isabel.  She gives NO indication that she is understanding the least bit of what you are asking her to do, not even an attempt at it.  And, then one day, she just full on does it, like she's been practicing for weeks.  Same with sitting up.  Slouch.  fall over.  noodle back.  Boom-sitting (11 mo for the record).

Dueling halted

Be still my heart, my children used their nails, arms, and hands in a way that didn't end up in screaming, crying, or otherwise irrational behavior tonight!  Albert got out his GIANT book of Pokémon creatures and stated that he would like to draw the figures.  So I said, no problem.  Hope, of course, stated that she too would like to draw a Pokémon... because no one can do anything in solitude in our house.  Normally this would end up in a fighting match between the two, however, Al said.. hey, Hope, just follow my directions and Ill teach you how to draw them.  He then proceeded to instruct her step by step how to draw each figure.  It was so cute!  I couldn't believe it.  He would praise her periodically on what a great job she was doing and then proceed with his instruction.. "no put one line down through the middle of the box... oh, wow, hope, youre doing a really good job".  I think the praise allowed her to move past the fact that her brother was telling her what to do.  So funny.

Friday, September 11, 2015


I don't take time to write down the conversations, observations or day to day happenings of my life with these kiddos, but I so badly want to remember these moments. As I was nursing Iz to sleep tonight I thought about how tired I am and how glad I feel that she is actually sleeping (as opposed to the screaming that has been happening for the past 9 days)... And then the irony that in 30 years I will be wishing back this very moment! It's amazing how perfect these moments feel and are when you are appreciating them from your future state. So I kissed her tiny fingers. I have never appreciated a baby so much.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Isabel Update

See that sly sideways glance...always making sure she can trust you before she can gove you a smile.  This little girl can now roll from back to front *7 1/2 months.  At about 6 months was the first time I started to see a difference between Iz and other "typically" developing babies.  It was a strange feeling- not sad- but made me anxious.  I like a plan and I wont always know her timeline like I knew Al and Hope's.  It took me a couple of weeks to move past this realization.  Now I know she just takes her time... she like to REALLY master one feat before moving on to the next.  For now, rolling will suffice, and someday she will decide to sit up ;) but I will try not to hold my breath, and instead of feeling like "finally!", I will be proud of her.
She is still the most peaceful child I have ever encountered.  Likes all people, tolerates all environments- can swim in the pool for a half hour with no complaints, happy even, sleeps so well, and truly brings me such joy- like I have never felt before about a kiddo.  I came across a website for adoption orphan children with DS and cried... I would love to do that someday, but likely not in my cards.
Here is Iz working those leg muscles in therapy this week.  Our PT, Jen is amazing and so positive and reassuring.
And of course, Isabel cant get too much love from her brother and sister- well, at least that's what Hope thinks.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Hope again...

She really wants me to know how much nicer she will be than I am....

"When my daughter is 4, I'm going to buy her everything she wants."
Oh, really? Why?
"Because I'm a really nice mom"
"But, I have to be married first."

On a sweeter note...
"11, 12, 13, 14, 15,..."
The sound of Hope counting herself to sleep.

I cant wait to see what she will be when she grows up.

Friday, May 29, 2015

When Hope grows up...

As I put Hope to sleep tonight, she told me that when she has a baby, she is going to "let her get ANYTHING she wants at all the stores."  Aka. "I am going to be a WAY nicer mom than you and let her get a new Elsa cup everytime we go to Target.
She is also going to have 4 kids- 2 girls and 2 boys.  God, are you listening?