Thursday, June 25, 2009

I can see the lights

I am leaving for Vegas in the morning and I have mixed feelings. I am so excited to see Ashlee and celebrate her last adventure as a bachelorette, but I will miss the baby so much. I dont like leaving on the weekends because this is when I get to spend the whole day with him. Being that I am still tormented by the fact that he clung to Joan (the babysitter) when I picked him up the other day, I am trying to get as much "mommy is great" time in as I can.
But I am going to choose to see the bright side of this as I am venturing to the brightest strip of land in our country. Al will get to spend much needed time with dad free of interferance from the mom, the mom will get a much needed rest and relaxation period all by herself (and with some great ladies), it will be over before I know it so I better enjoy these moments while they last! Plus, its Vegas baby!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Al and his friends

This past weekend was Father's Day and unfortunately I didnt even get a pic of Al and Beau..:(

Beau worked all day on Saturday and Sunday he slept... a lot. (He needed it... one of his Father's Day presents along with two kinds of homemade peanut butter cookies, a mousepad with Al's pictures on it, and a new Cardinals hat)

In this video Lucy is sleeping and Al is attempting to give her a hug... too cute. In the end she gives him this look like... you better get up off me brother.

Hunter and Al having their afternoon drink...

This is Hunter and Al with Grandpa ( a Grandpa's Day picture)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Two Down... forever to go.

Beau and I celebrated our second anniversary yesterday. Woohoo. I told him I felt like we had been together forever already ( I meant that in a good way). But really, I feel like we have been through so much together already and continue to fill our lives with new "adventures" everyday. We spent the afternoon at the spa getting massages and pedicures ( Beau brough flowers to the spa for me), then enjoyed a nice dinner at Eleven Eleven. Such a much needed relaxing day; a mini vacation if you will. Thankfully Al has such a wonderful grandma that loves him and doesnt mind taking care of him at any request!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Its the weekend!

Our two weeks of garden/cooking class boot camp (that's boot camp for us, not the participants) is over!! I am exhausted. I worked about 10 hours every day this week and have been out in the heat, over a hot stove and running around like a mad woman, but next week I am back to a normal schedule. And I am off a half day on Monday and leaving for Vegas on Friday morning! Smooth sailing.
I am getting my hair cut and colored today, going to the pool with Al and Carrie, making two kinds of cookies for Beau, getting a Father's Day present (yikes, I am cutting it close), going grocery shopping, repotting this plant that Al cant keep his hands out of and... I think Al and I are going to stay at grandma's tonight! I am determined to get some pictures of the boy today bc I have really been lax about that this month and the grandparents are hounding me for more pictures. I also want to get one of those blow up pools for out at the farm, so I can lay out while Al plays!
Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, June 15, 2009

This week in the life of Al.

Al had his first fever this past week, running upwards of 103. (Which the doctor says is not so bad since babies can apparently tolerate 106 before parents should be concerned!) I really think he is teething... per usual. But I see a new one coming through on the bottom and I really want him to get some molars so he can eat more foods! The following are outcomes of all this fever stuff: clingyness to the mom, general disgust for anything that doesnt involve sugar, butter or pure carbohydrate (yes, that means my perfect little eater is starting to have a mind of his own), and a need for me to rock him at 3 am. Three wonderful things!

There are a couple of things that I can definitely smile about lately though: Al's hugs... to all the people he loves in his life, his need for the mommy lately (he really appreciates all my hard work), his cute wave goodby, his unbelievable need to explore all things new.

Here is a pic of Al and Papa wearing their matching baseball caps... Al is practicing his wave.

I just thought this was cute...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Weekend with the Family and other cute occurences

Nana, Papa, (Great)Granny and Aunt Kristi came to visit Al this weekend and we had such a good time. Kristi actually took care of him all by herself on Friday and they both survived! She told me after that she can't WAIT to have kids of her own ;). The weekend was a whirl wind; Friday night it was dinner with the Reinbergs at Greggs Bar of course and Saturday it was Wave Taco's and Cardinals baseball... whew... Al went to sleep between 9 and 10 every night, but he was a trooper and thank goodness, slept in until 9 every morning!! He is becoming a mama's boy and acting very clingy which to me is such a blessing and a curse. I love that he finally prefers me over other people, but I dont want him to be one of those kids who is so attached that I have to be the sole care taker! He has also started giving hugs which is so sweet. I just love every minute I have with him these days.
Below are some pictures from this weekend... will post more when the family sends them my way. Al loves to turn book pages now, so granny took some time to read him a thing or two...

reading yet again, but this time with Nana... got very excited to see pictures of the family. I just missed the pic of Al laying on Nana's shoulder (I'm telling you this kid is getting sweet)

He had enough of the reading and needed a beer! haha. Grandpa Gregg did give him some O'Douls at the bar this weekend and he LOVED it! So crazy... what kids actually likes the taste of beer. He would cry when Gregg took it away.

This face is priceless... this is his new fake smile/laugh. I wish you could hear the sound.

Have a good week!