Hope slept through the night last night... that was a big one. And 11 hours at that!
Al threw the biggest tantrum in Gymboree this morning when they took away the "circles" to bring out the parachute. He hates the parachute. We had to just leave.
We took a great walk today, I am so excited for Spring weather.
I had a great time doing lunch with friends: Cary made creamy orzo with asparagus on Tuesday, Abby and I ate at McCallisters and I enjoyed a tall glass of delicious sweet tea and veg chili nachos (Cary's rec)on Wed, and Jess VanRhein brought me Pappy's bbq today (say yum and it was... good enough to break two of my rules, no meat on Friday of Lent and avoiding pork)
I am about to break my other Lentin rule which is no dessert. But there is a Cadbury Creme Egg sitting right in front of me. Beau is the devil bringing this home for me! What is a girl to do?
Pics from the week... Enjoy!