Monday, September 27, 2010

Al singing

I finally got a couple clips of Al singing on the car ride home from grandmas this weekend. I couldn't show him that I was taking a video or he would stop so don't look at the video of my seats... Just for listening.

YouTube Video

YouTube Video

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Friday, September 24, 2010

New squeal and friends

Hope wakes up talking/squealing to herself and I always look over at Al and ask him if we should go say good morning to her. He usually says "go get Hope!" and runs in and climbs into her crib with her. It is so so sweet and she is really starting to react to him by smiling and grabbing at him. It makes me feel so good thinking about the friendship they might (hopefully) have one day. He also loves to hold her....

And Hope has this hilarious scream...

YouTube Video

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Monday, September 20, 2010

Al Update

I have to post this for my memory book. Al is now singing, which is simply the cutest thing I have ever heard (well, Hope's squeal is right up there too). He sings the following songs:
Bye baby bunting (a version where Albert is both hunter and baby, and one where he is the hunter and Hope is the baby)
Twinkle twinkle little star
Old Mac Donald had a farm
One- two- buckle my shoe

He is also making "I" statements where he used to talk in the third person when he asked for things... "I want milk". So amazing.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Balloon Glow

We took the babies to Forest Park for the annual Balloon Glow tonight where they blow up the hot air balloons and light the fires in sync in preparation for the big race. Albert LOVED it!! He thought they were so cool. We got to walk in between all of the hot air balloons and see them literally up close.

We all had a great time and I love when I get the opportunity to get a photo with the whole family in it!
On a side note, Beau was unaware that this event included funnel cakes, corn dogs, lemonades, etc and began referring to it as a carnival... And "had he known this was a 'carnival' he would have been more monetarily prepared"...

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Saturday, September 11, 2010


Honestly, I have never been embarrassed by my children. I usually chalk it up to "that's just the way kids are at this age" and dismiss the stares. But this was WAY worse and all my fault. I had to get a wedding shower gift at Crate and Barrel (first off, I forgot about the shower, it's beaus best friend so I didn't get the invite, I worked 60 hours this week including this Saturday so the only time I had to get this gift was Friday after work) ok.. I get in the store, hope in the Bjorne, al is walking. He immediately starts to touch every breakable item in the store so I grabbed his hand and he flipped out screaming at the top of his lungs. So I drug him as quickly as possible to the registry stand( which temporarily distracted him with the computer screen). As I am furiously reading for items that are left on the registry and trying to find where the heck they are in the store, al escapes my grasp and goes running... No seriously running full speed through every section of the store and I am frantically chasing him praying that he doesn't break anything in his haste. I finally caught him and he began the tantrums, kicking and screaming on the floor so I scooped him up and found someone who could get the item I decided on... Al screamed the whole time she was looking for the item, the whole time I was checking out, and the whole time to the car. Oh yes, and imagine this, as we are walking to the car, al crying, tears streaming down his face, he has insisted on carrying this heavy Crate and Barrel gift box; so to the many on-lookers it appears as though I am forcing my child to carry this heavy box and he is crying about it! (every time I passed a person I acted like I was trying to help him( which made him more mad bc he wanted to do it himself) so that they didn't think I was a slave driving mother...
Note to self: Never take a hungry, tired, two year old boy to Crate and Barrel

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

More KC trip pics

Here are the two wild boys...

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Trip to KC

I am slow to upload pics these days, now that I have an IPhone and can blog from there super easily... I finally got some of the pictures from our trip to KC on the computer. We had such a good time with Allie, Tanner, Baby Dylan and Andy. They are still in the "baby wakes up 10 times a night" stage, so she is wiching for some much needed sleep, but those days will soon be over. I am so glad we finally got to meet Dylan. Al and Tanner played so so well together, a surprise to us all since you know how two year olds can be. We only heard the word "mine" once the whole weekend! No lie. The kids did great in the car as well. Fun all around. Cant wait to do it again soon!

Hope and Baby Dylan this will be cute if they get married ;)

Both of my kids LOVE the swing
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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hope learns to talk...

She is getting so big!

YouTube Video

And so is Al who now weighs 29lb 6oz and is 36 in tall!

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