Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh, Christmas Tree

Beau is out of town. I got home with the kids at 10:30pm. I was rocking Hope to sleep when....

Yes, that is my Christmas tree... Crashing to the ground. Not sure where to go from here. Tired.

Thank goodness for awesome neighbors. Andy came over and helped me stand the tree back up... It is a 9 footer afterall.

Survival of the fittest.
Don't worry, Beau's 4th grade ornament made the cut.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Forget Black Friday...

...We have all the toys we need right here at the farm.

They are so content playing together these days- it is adorable.

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Lunch Tray

In my current job I work with overweight kids and their parents-- which has strengthened my already sturdy interest in our food environment. Having kids only adds to this internal quest. I hope that when my kids are in school that I have to courage to fight for healthy options. (In the very near future 50% of our population will be obese... and our own families are not immune)
I found this blog today, which is what inspired me to write this post... check it out
this post in particular is one of my favorites... http://www.thelunchtray.com/birthday-cupcake-debate/


Sunday, November 21, 2010


Drinking purple margaritas...go frogs

Spent the last tailgate in this TCU stadium with the Reid Family... They were pretty sad, but beer helped.

We had a great time reliving our college football days vicariously through my little sis... Thanks Leah!

I just checked the flights to go home for the week after Christmas and they are crazy expensive. Reality struck me; I have a husband and two babies and that makes traveling a pretty penny. I am sad. Sad that my family isn't just a little closer making driving with two small children more of a possibility, and so sad that my family can't see my babies adorable moments as they happen, only snap shots and stories. Not sure I am ready for this reality...

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Leisurely Tuesday Morning

The tv no longer entertains in the wee hours of the morning; now it's straight to toys. I am drinking my coffee while sitting on the hard wood floor now instead of my cushy bed. Darn... "Mickey house" why can't you come on earlier? ;)

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Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Oh damn"

This is Al's new phrase. Sweet.

Having children makes you acutely aware of all the phrases you and your husband use in a daily basis.

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy "Halloween Lion"

From the moment I got this costume from Tara, I tried to get Al to try it on-to no avail. He loved to look at it and talk about being a "Halloween Lion", as he phrased it, but as soon as I would ask him to put it on-no way. However, by some miraculous turn of events, and A LOT of ditraction techniques, we got Al to not only put it on, byt keep it on all night. The fur matched his hair perfectly.
I just wanted Hopie to be something girly, so I decided on a butterfly princess. Can't get much more girly than that.

We went to Jason and Christina's for trick-or-treating, since this is difficult to do in a loft building (no porch lights to indicate you are waiting with candy, among other reasons)... Hope made it to one house before she decided this was bogus and she had had enough. Who needs candy, when you have breast milk?

This picture pretty much sums up the scene that developed as we attempted to get a group grandchild picture. We finally got Hunter to sit to the side of everyone instead of in front, Hope couldnt stand it any longer, Al was putting grass in Hunter's hair, and the picture was taken moments after Parker was coaxed into sitting in the chaos for a half second while mom snapped a picture.
Surprisingly, Al's favorite candy is a sucker, which he was determined to pick from the basket at every house, leaving Beau and I with little to be tempted by... thanks Al.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


This girl is a little bugger...but a cute one. In this picture I realized she couldn't even turn her head in the car seat with this coat on, frozen facing the back of the car... So sad.
She,much like her mother, hates to miss a moment, sleep as her sacrifice. She wakes up throughout the night on a regular basis and just wants to hang out with mom...which is awesome. Ha! I have no idea what to do. The girl will scream for hours until I come in there or her brother wakes up. Help!

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