Friday, December 5, 2008

Giving Up

I cant take it. Am I putting him to sleep too early? Am I making him STAY asleep too early? He is tired at about 6:30 or 7, but then last night woke up about an hour later... cried for 30 minutes, went to sleep for 15 miniutes, cried for 30 minutes, woke up at 9 and was just talking and jabbering like he had gotten 8 hours of sleep! I felt so bad just leaving him in there talking to himself (especially since I dont see him all day long) that I went in there and just talked to him while he was in bed for about 20 minutes. He finally fell asleep again by 10:30pm. Ahhh. I just want an answer. I think I am going to see if I can make him take a nap at 5 and then not go to bed until about 8 or so. We will see. I hate this.

1 comment:

amatz said...

Harrison took three naps until this week-he is almost 9 month. He took a morning nap, afternoon nap and then a short nap around 5 so that he could stay up until 8 or so to see Scott. Call me if you need a sympathetic ear.