Friday, January 23, 2009

Who Am I?

I am starting to think we may never get a picture of this kids smile. He is not passin' 'em out that is for sure. Noni (thats pronounced Naw-Nee) aka GiGi aka my mom came to town this past week for a couple of days and this is the best picture that we could take. Pretty pitiful. We had a good time though, I promise! Tomorrow Allie and Tanner are coming to visit... we are so excited that Al decided to go to bed extra early and get some good rest. (that means Mommy gets to get up extra early as well!) Or, maybe he is just so sad bc Daddy is in New Orleans for 4 days :(. We will be working on some good pictures in the next couple days.
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1 comment:

Cary said...

And he even has the CUTEST smile! That makes it even more funny that he won't allow it to be photographed! Maybe he's holding out for cash...already a little diva. Or divo, whatever that would be.