Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Little Dare Devil and Friends

As I mentioned before, Al is now pulling up to a stand anywhere he can get a good hold on things. He also loves the stairs at grandma's but thankfully has not figured out how to climb them yet! He just looks so grown up.

Look Mom, one hand... this usually ends in a face plant, but I just cant believe he lets go like he actually knows what he's doing. haha

Happy Easter! Hunter's newest thing is to wear a basketball uniform ALL the time (which oddly enough he is not wearing in this picture), but the Easter Bunny thought Al should have one to match Hunter, so when he got it today, Hunter wanted Al to wear it immediately. We were attempting to get them to both smile at the camera at the same time...yeah right. And later Hunter was feeding Al the toy cowboy in his right hand... so funny. Al liked it; he'll eat anything.

I wante dto introduce you all to baby Parker.. 4 months tomorrow! Beau was so happy to finally have a baby to cuddle with in this picture.
Have a great week!!
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Allison said...

love the jogging outfit...where'd you get it from? He looks like such a big boy!

Aaron said...

we got it as a gift??