Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I am so disgusted with our agricultural industry. The more I become informed on the process the more helpless I feel, and I hate that. So, I am no longer eating pork because that is the only thing I can do right now to take a stand against the way our animals are raised and treated in the large scale commercial farms where most, if not all, of our meat comes from. I am not opposed to eating sustainably raised animals; it is not the eating of animals that upsets me.
Did you know that when piglets are born they are allowed to nurse for 10 days and then are taken from their mothers to be grain-fed as this makes them fatter faster. Because they are so prematurely weaned they never satisfy their sucking reflex and are in such close quarters that they bite eachothers tails to the point of infection. Because the industry does not want to pay for pharmaceuticals or give the animals enough space to live, they snip off the tails to a small nub using plyers and no anesthetic. They leave a nub so that when a pig tries to go after anothers tail it hurts so bad that they actually fight back. Reading this makes tears come to my eyes. It is wrong. Your arguement may be that we have to raise animals this way to produce enough meat to feed the demand, but I say if we were not such a gluttonous country of which 35% of our people are obese and 30% are overweight, then we wowuldnt have to raise our animals this way. This is not a joke. If you have ever had a spit roasted whole pig you would see the tail nub.

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