Wednesday, May 13, 2009

New things for Al this week...

I bought these little round fruits ( I forget the name of them) that are a crss between an apricot and a plum. I thought the skins would be soft enought for Al to eat, so I set him in the high chair and put the fruit on his tray and walked away to find a knife. I looked back and he had grabbed the fruit and just started eating it! So cute... he ate the whole thing! He looks so big. Bellow...
This morning I was doing my makeup and Beau was in the shower so of course Al was crawling around the bathroom with us. He has a new fascination with the shower so he crawled right in! So hilarious, pj's and all. I didnt stop him because I thought he should know what he was getting himself into...haha.

And finally, Al went in and out of his room about 100 times tonight, going under the curtain hanging as his door. Over and over again, like he was on a mission...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is the funniest thing ever!!