Is it teeth? Is it me? Is he spoiled?
Al has been fighting sleep the past 2 weeks off and on. Sometimes (when Beau puts him down) he is asleep no problem from 7:30 on. Then there are nights like last night where he went to sleep at 7 and woke up at 8:30 screaming. Of course, I go in there bc traditionally he is not a screamer. He has thrown all of his stuff over the cribs edge and is in full on tears. I hand him back his stuff and pick him up, which calms him about 0% and he is still screaming. So I think, well this is how he acts in the morning so maybe he is hungry (and he refuses to drink milk from a cup, so he didnt have any before bed or with dinner). I fed him a bottle... calm while doing that and screaming after that. Even if I take him into the living room to hang out he is a mess, crying at every fall (he is so tired). I lay him back in bed... screaming. I give him Tylenol... screaming. Finally last night I read him about 10 books and then put him in bed. He screamed for maybe 2 minutes and then was out. By now it is 10pm and I am pissed bc I got zero relaxation time and no good feelings of being a comforting parent, bc he is impossible to comfort! Ahhh..
I have a really hard time letting him cry, but man I really dont know what else to do.
Frustrating... cant he just tell me what's wrong!
Big Brother Walks Little Sister to School
11 years ago
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