Yes, Aaron you heard correctly. Haha, you must be joking.. butI feel so good.
All thoughts that went through my head today after my ultrasound. It seems that though I may feel quite good, thanks Prometrium, I am still doing too much. My cervix has now shortend to the point of bed rest. (or if I had a "normal" sit at your desk job I could work half days)
This is so unexpected for me, I am not sure how I feel. I completely block out thoughts of baby girl coming early because if I think of that all I do is cry, as I am starting to do now.
At this point I am just scared. Scared for the health of this baby. Scared that my son, who I can no longer take care of on my own will think his mommy is lazy and doesnt love him anymore (crying again). Scared that this is going to put so much pressure on Beau and our extended family.
Positive thoughts: God has to be on our side for this one. I had a feeling that I would not make it through this preganacy without bed rest, God confirmed those feelings (just didnt think it would happen so quickly). But, I also have a feeling that baby girl will be alright. I feel like if I take care of myself and actually do what the doctor says, then she will be just fine. So that is what I have to do, and I have to and probably will continue to for the next 3 months, remind myself of the why. Why I have to do what I have been told to do. God, please confirm these feelings too.
Big Brother Walks Little Sister to School
11 years ago
I love you Aaron! Al will know that you are being a good Mom, he will not think anything else of you...but how much he loves you. When you look into that healthy baby girl's eyes in 3 months, this will all be worth it...and your family and friends will think so too!
What mothers won't do for their children!! I know how hard it is for you to be on bedrest and out of control, but I also know you will do whatever it takes to have this healthy little girl. Take care of her by taking care of yourself. We will continue to pray for you both. Al will be just fine. He knows his mom loves him. Wish we were closer so we could help. Love, Jon and Donna
Sister Slice to the rescueeeeeee! Ok ok, I know you must feel sooooooooo relieved when I say I am coming to take care of you!!! LOL.. either that or you think I am just an additional member of the fam to worry about ;) but seriously...I am coming out! You can boss me around and be the snotty older sister (hints the role reversal here) also kidding. but you know at least I will make you laugh....even if you ARE laughing at me. I can handle it!
In all seriousness, you and the entire Reinberg clan, born and unborn, are in my heart and prayers every day. I love you sis! And everything is going to be ok! Maybe headed your way sooner an later - as in October not November...we will see. Sister I love You!
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