Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Papa! and Baby Girl News...

My Dad, Papa, came in town on Sunday because it was his turn to spend time with little Al. It was great timing bc my baby sitter is off this week so I needed help with Al. Papa took him to Target and the grocery store on Monday all by himself; I was pretty impressed. Then on Tuesday we hung around the house and they made pancakes and opened a box of gifts from Nonni. (A couple of which were not wrapped which meant we got some early Christmas presents.)
This was an opportune moment for a picture... we dont get many of Al looking straight at the camera these days.
This is said gun and the box that the gifts came in... almost as fun as the gifts themselves.
Papa and Al playing with the gun
Later that day we went to "the bar" for dinner and one of the regulars dressed up as Santa just for Al. Pretty special, thanks Jim! Everything has been working out so well... in that I mean that I was not able to take him to see a Santa this year, and it just so happened that there was a man from Gregg's that regularly dresses as Santa for fun during the holidays!
This was Al's reaction when Santa walked throught the door. He looks like such a big boy here!
Santa gave him a bell when he first got there, but this is about as close as Al would get to Santa without screaming. Please disregard how fat I look in this picture (I swear I have not gained all my weight in my face!) Oh, and nothing like Budweiser making an appearance in your first picture with Santa. So Saint Louis
I went to the Dr. today and had another US to check weight and position of Baby Girl. She is still frank breech; I have a great picture of her feet and hands peeking out over her head. Her legs are still WAY long measuring 37w 1D ( I am 34w 1 d..) and she is weighing in at 5lb 15oz, which is the 90th percentile. I have a hard time believing that she is that BIG, but I am really hungry these days and she feels as big as Al did when I had him (could be the different positions that they are in, but there is NO more room for getting bigger.. in my opinion anyway) My fluid looked a little low (low end of normal) so the Dr. is going to keep an eye on that, but other than that all is well. I suppose I am going to read up and prep myself for a c-section (yuck and probably my worst nightmare right now) but I am going to pray that she either flips on her own, or the external version works!
merry Christmas everyone!!

1 comment:

Donna Loes said...

Merry Christmas to the Reinbergs:) Cute pics. Al does look so grown-up, but just wait til Baby girl comes. He will really seem big then. Take care, enjoy your family, the holidays and many blessings in the new year.
Love, Jon and Donna