Sunday, September 9, 2012

Al- 4 year stats

Al's 4 year stats are as follows:
Ht- 44.5 inches (99th percentile)
Wt- 40.5 lb (85th percentile)

He is super sweet, always wanting to do the right thing and not disappoint me or Beau which is comforting and heart-wrenching all at the same time. He is rambunctious and full of energy which makes life difficult and so fun. We had him tested for the gifted school involving an IQ test In which he achieved a score at the 95th percentile allowing him the opportunity to apply- so proud, though I know it is just him and his personality vs any work on my part.
Right now he loves to: make-believe, dress in super hero costumes, read all things super hero or transformers, talk about dinosaur species I have never heard of, make a gun out of ANYTHING (yesterday it was two truck magnets stuck together just so), build construction sites, dream about our next trip to Iowa to cut corn, wrestle with his friends, hang out with his cousins, Winnie and Rush, Griffin, Andrew, David and Kourash at school, and so much more I am forgetting now...

Looking forward to what this next year holds for my Bubba.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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