Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Just an Update

Hope 5 years: 47 inches (99th %) and 47lb (90th%)
Isabel 2 months:  22 inches (35th%) and 9lb 4oz (12th%)

Isabel had a cardiology appointment today and they think she is doing fabulously.  Dr. Johnson thinks that her weight gain is great (3-4oz/week) and all without an NG tube- a feat he seems to think is worthy of admiration.  Go Isabel.  It must be those Reinberg genes kicking in at the last half ounce determined to continue to eat... lol.
She remains difficult to feed and takes FOREVER to drink only 2-3 ounces, but I am better.  I spend as much time as I can trying to feed her and when I have to stop, I do.  My world has two other kids, laundry, a home, errands, a husband, and soon a part-time job,  so there are only so many hours in a day to feed a baby.  But I do my best because I love her so much it hurts.  I feel very "zen" about our life right now- it just is what it is.
She will be presented to the cardiothoracic surgeons next wednesday and they will hopefully give us a date range of when the surgery will be in March or April.  It brings tears to my eyes thinking about how painful the surgery/recovery will likely be for her.  Ugh.  I cant think about it.

I want to post more pictures-- but blogger is giving me an error msg.. more to come as soon as I figure this out!

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