My best friend had her baby yesterday! His name is Tanner Drew Hoffman and he was 6lb 2oz. And, by the way, I called all of that... the boy part AND how much he was going to weigh!
I am so excited for her and now our baby boys can grow up together and have so much fun! I cant wait til Al gets here. I talked to my mom this week and she is going to come up to be here when Al is born... duh! Logically it makes sense for her to wait and make a ticket for a couple weeks later so she can plan and come to stay for a while... but, REALISTICALLY, is she really going to be able to sit at home 600 miles away and NOT want to be here when her FIRST grandchild is born? NO! :)
I had my 500th Dr's apt today... uneventful... weighing, peeing, any questions?, measure the belly, and give me the boot. I broke 150 today.. woohoo! Now I start going to the Dr every week and we have another US scheduled in about 2 weeks to check the position ans size of the baby.. I will be almost 38 weeks... wow. I cant wait!! We went to our second baby class this week and had a tour of the hospital. I got so excited as we were sitting in the birthing rooms. I think having a baby is going to be one of those monumental moments that you remember for the rest of your life, like walking across the stage at high school graduation and realizing you will never again live with or be cared for by your parents in such close proximity (or some of us wont), or walking down the aisle to marry the man you will be with for the rest of your life. I am so happy I get to experience this next big moment with Beau... and soon!
Have a great weekend!
Big Brother Walks Little Sister to School
11 years ago
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