Monday, March 30, 2009


My head feels like some one is driving a nail through the space between my eyes. I came down with this sinus infection yesterday and I couldnt function. Thank goodness I had stayed the night at Linda's (bc Beau was working all day Sat/Sun) and she took the baby for me in the morning so I coud sleep. Then Jason called me in a prescription...woohoo! Thank heaven for brother-in-laws who are doctors... but seriously, I was and am still in pain. But it is getting better. But enough complaining.
"Baby Al" is so cute right now. Since I took the day off, he stayed with me and we have had such a good day together. I was laying on the floor and he crawls up on top of me and smiles. So I laughed bc it was so cute and then he laughed, so I laughed some more... and so on... I wish I had a video of his adorable belly laughs... with all his teeth hanging out. He usually laughs so hard he falls backwards, and then of course he cries... oh, the ups and downs of growning older; they start so early. I need to post a picture of his pearly whites.
I am leaving for Omaha for a work trip Wed-Fri and this will be my first time away from him for more than 24 hours. I am sad already. But, we are going to help grandma build a garden this weekend so we will get plenty of quality time!

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