Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Teeth+ Tired= Snuggles

So Al is getting another tooth! That make 7 teeth in the past 3 weeks. No wonder he is still waking up crying...awe. He also has this massive diaper rash, like Ive never seen it before. Ouch!
But, I would like to report that my son has now snuggled with me twice in the past 3 nights. Granted it was 2am, but Ill take what I can get. It is the greatest thing ever. I am so jealous of all you moms that have cuddly babies!
I cannot find a pair of shoes... Seriously, I have lost all my sense of style. I have sent back like three pair of shoes to Zappos. I want flats, no wait, I want heels; but not too tall, sandals, no, closed toed shoes...ahh. Thank goodness for Zappos though; free shipping rocks.

1 comment:

A~ said...

Teeth sometimes equals diaper rash, weirde but true... And good luck with that shoe problem! =) Just buy 'em all! =)