Monday, November 2, 2009

Fun at the Farm

We had so much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house yesterday! So nice to have a yard to play in and large spaces to run around in... Beau and Hunter show Al how to take a dive in the leave pile

Grandpa and Al feed the horse... Al loved this!

Grandpa and Al take a drive up the fields.. notice Al's little hands on the wheel. They stayed there the whole drive. He loves his Grandpa so much.. he calls him "pompa t". He puts a T on the end of everything right now.. wish I had a video with sound so you could hear it bc it is so cute!

This is a video of Al and Grandma sliding. Notice at the end of every slide he claps for himself.

1 comment:

Allison said...

That video is so looks really pretty there