Friday, November 13, 2009

Three down and other thoughts

I finished last weekend that Allie sent me for an easy read, and I loved it! "Remember Me?" by Sophie Kinsella, the author of all the Shopaholic books (which I happen to despise, but this one is totally different). It is a funny, light hearted story about a girl who loses 3 years of her memory.

In other news, Al was the biggest sour puss last night, pretty funny to watch. Nothing could make him happy and he just looked miserable. He would storm from one room to the next, just crying and then laying on the ground and throwing tantrums.. he probably threw about 7 tantrums in a row. It was all over nothing, he didnt want to eat, play, watch us cook, nothing... we should have taken a video. Joan said he was the same way all afternoon, poor Joan. To his defense, he is getting the last two teeth on the bottom right side, so I gave him some Tylenol. He now has 16 teeth!! he is a real boy
Al is also seeming much more grown up lately. When we lay him in bed with us in the morning he points to the TV immediately and says "watch?!", more of a demand than a question. He also says "Tant Tuu" and "Pease" and pronounces Winnie's name quite well. Still refuses to say mommy when we ask him, though I know he can say it bc he cries it if Beau takes him in the other room and I dont come too. He can use a spoon without turning it over in his mouth, and climb into his chair all by himself. I think we are ready for a booster.
Nana comes next week and Al is getting so excited!
Have a great weekend everyone!

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