Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week One with Hope

Here are some new pictures of Hope. My mom and Lee Lee came to visit this past weekend and she brought her camera, so of course I now have about 100 pics of baby girl... but none with Nonnie! Sorry mom.
Hope went for her one week apt yesterday and she is doing well. 7lb 4oz and 20.5 inches. She is now only nursing on one side... still so sleepy and have to wake her up every 3-4 hours during the day. She goes about 4 hours at night in between feedings, so that is nice. Hopefully that will only get longer? haha. Al got all the eyelashes in this family... poor Hope has none.

The next few pictures are from the latest adventures of Al in his box house... made by dad.
this face pretty much sums up Al's attitude lately

these are the rain boots Nonnie brought for him... he wants to wear them all the time
My girlfriends came over for a lunch party on MLK Day... this was actually a pretty good picture for the amount of chaos that was going on in trying to get everyone together!

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