Friday, November 20, 2009

Four down, Nana, and other Baby Girl news

Fourth Book: A Mother's Heart by Jean Fleming. This one is intriguing. I wouldnt say it is my favorite, and parts of it I had to skip, but some really great motivational words for mothers. She also has great activity ideas for kids. The parts I dont like are the uber-Christian oriented methods... it gets a little hokie in my opinion. I do think that bringing God into you and your childs relationship is important; she just goes a LITTLE overboard. The book increase my desire to stay at home with my kids and I am a little sad that it is not a possibility for us right now, but it opens my eyes as a reminder to be present in their lives in the time I do have with them... and by them I mean Al and Baby Girl... which brings me to my next news.

I am back on weekly appointments because I had another episode of long contractions. I am now on terbutaline which gives me an all day underlying shakiness similar to parkinsons and I feel a little like I am on speed, but other than that it is making my contractions better. I am fingertip dilated and about 50-60% effaced, so still a slightly more strict bedrest. But GOOD NEWS is... as of Wednesday's apt, Dr.Patel thinks she flipped into a head first position (she was frank breech). I am Soooo relieved, she better stay that way.. I seriously do NOT want to have a c-section!! On another note, I am getting so much help and lots of companionship this week because...

Nana Carlene is here! I will post pictures as soon as she sends them too me this weekend. She is being so helpful.. here is what she has done for me so far... dusted my entire house including fans, bought us all of our necessities from Target and the grocery store, got us our bassinett and stroller as an early Christmas present, cleaned and mopped our floors, did the laundry, cooked dinner, let Beau and I have date night at the Movies... you can see where I am going here, she has been awesome! Not to say the regular help we get from Grandma Linda isnt amazing too and we love her company... so props and thanks to all of our helpers!

Finally sunny, so I think Al and Nana are going to go to the park this afternoon!

1 comment:

Donna Loes said...

Hang in there, Aaron. We are praying for you and baby girl Reinberg. Every day and week is a bonus. Hope to see you next week.