...formerly, Baby Girl, was born January 8th at 8:33 pm. She weighed in at 6lb 7oz and was 20 inches long. When I scheduled the ECV last Tuesday, I asked God to give me a sign if He didnt want me to do it, and apparently that was not on his agenda. Either that, or Hope couldnt take the enormous root beer float and chili cheese dog I ate for lunch on Friday afternoon.
Here is how the day went down... felt really good until after lunch, when around 3 or so I started tracking my contractions bc they were starting to hurt way more than normal. They were the kind that start in your back and wrap around to the front and were fairly regular at about every 6 or 7 minutes. So, I call Beau to go get all bc I didnt feel comfortable driving with him in the car and I went home around 4:30 to lay down. By the time they got home at about 5:30, I thought maybe we should go in to the hospital just to check... so I packed a sparse bag and my camera just in case and we headed in, really not thinking much of it. By the time they first checked me I was at 5 cm dilated and about 45 min later I was at a 7... needless to say when the dr realized how the progression was going, everyone was "in a tizzy" flying around me and I was in the OR in about 20 minutes. The anesthesiologist kept saying, dont worry we are going to get you out of this pain.. and I was thinking, "I am not in that much pain! why is everyone freaking out!". The OR was cold and bright and nothing like giving birth to Al. I got the spinal and then they had the baby out in 15 minutes, which was all so weird and abrupt. There i lay on the table gazing to my right at Beau and the baby and thinking how weird it all was...
The pain is somewhat similar to normal birth, just in a different place... but it lasts so much longer! By this time with Al I felt like new again and right now I am still taking motrin and struggling to bend over and get out of bed. ugh... not to complain or anything!
I am just so glad she is here happy and healthy as can be... and quite a size for being only 36 weeks and 3 days! I loved being in the hospital and stayed as long as I could, though I missed my baby boy. He didnt seem to share the same feelings though as he couldnt wait to leave with grandma and grandpa each night when he came to see me and Hope. :) Al is a sweetie and thus far has been a completely loving big brother.
Hope is a champion nurser and a peaceful baby so far. She looks just like her daddy did when he was a baby. Enjoying the two weeks that Hope and I get to spend together and looking forward to having Al join in the fun when I am a little more recovered!
Congratulations to you all. She is so precious. Love the name. So appropriate after all you've been through. Hope sure looks like her daddy. Bet he is so proud. Take care and enjoy.
Love, Jon and Donna
Great Job Mommy! Congratulations! She is beautiful! She does look like a Reinberg though, no denying that! Wow! The name is perfect and I hope you two are resting and enjoying each other big brother Al and Beau at home tonight, they sure do grow fast! Hope to see you all sometime soon, and keep that IA trip over maternity leave in the back of your head? =) Love you! Tory, Abby, Ashley, Trenten & Baby Topping
YA finally pictures. She is beautiful! It's still wierd to see you with pictures of a GIRL! And those legs up by her head is classic, don't lose those pics. Take care of yourself!
CONGRATS!! She is beautiful!!!
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