Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Teeth+ Tired= Snuggles

So Al is getting another tooth! That make 7 teeth in the past 3 weeks. No wonder he is still waking up crying...awe. He also has this massive diaper rash, like Ive never seen it before. Ouch!
But, I would like to report that my son has now snuggled with me twice in the past 3 nights. Granted it was 2am, but Ill take what I can get. It is the greatest thing ever. I am so jealous of all you moms that have cuddly babies!
I cannot find a pair of shoes... Seriously, I have lost all my sense of style. I have sent back like three pair of shoes to Zappos. I want flats, no wait, I want heels; but not too tall, sandals, no, closed toed shoes...ahh. Thank goodness for Zappos though; free shipping rocks.

Monday, March 30, 2009


My head feels like some one is driving a nail through the space between my eyes. I came down with this sinus infection yesterday and I couldnt function. Thank goodness I had stayed the night at Linda's (bc Beau was working all day Sat/Sun) and she took the baby for me in the morning so I coud sleep. Then Jason called me in a prescription...woohoo! Thank heaven for brother-in-laws who are doctors... but seriously, I was and am still in pain. But it is getting better. But enough complaining.
"Baby Al" is so cute right now. Since I took the day off, he stayed with me and we have had such a good day together. I was laying on the floor and he crawls up on top of me and smiles. So I laughed bc it was so cute and then he laughed, so I laughed some more... and so on... I wish I had a video of his adorable belly laughs... with all his teeth hanging out. He usually laughs so hard he falls backwards, and then of course he cries... oh, the ups and downs of growning older; they start so early. I need to post a picture of his pearly whites.
I am leaving for Omaha for a work trip Wed-Fri and this will be my first time away from him for more than 24 hours. I am sad already. But, we are going to help grandma build a garden this weekend so we will get plenty of quality time!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I cannot catch my breath lately... not literally. But every moment of my day is filled it seems like until the end of May. I am trying to just relax and enjoy all the good times, but I find myself anticipating my next move instead. I hate that! What is so weird is that I also hate to be alone and bored, so you would think that my current situation would be the ideal, but no. The grass is always greener I guess!
It doesnt help that Al is still teething and I am now burdened by a cold. It is strange that a week after I stop breastfeeding, I get my first cold of the season. Maybe mothers get immunity form that too?! Sorry to be such a downer. I am going to go smile...
Oh, but on a lighter note, I found the greatest ETSY artist (besides my mom). Check it out...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A bit shakey, but good enough

So Al is crawling! It s too funny to watch bc he is so janky (is that a word?). There is nothing fluid and smooth about this crawl. He just wants to get where he wants to get and he could care less about being precise. haha.
I was trying to get a video of him from the side so that you could see it better, but he kept facing me.. and of course Ava was right by my side, so Al's mission is always to grab as much fur from her coat as possible. She loves it...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

So Much to Say

First and foremost, Albert has a new cousin, Parker John Reinberg born on March 16th!! Jason and Christina are so excited to continue the Reinberg family tradition of birthing only boys. He is too cute and in my opinion looks just like his mother... but we shall see. In other news, Al now has two teeth on top and one on bottom, all on his right side... a little lop sided right now. However three other are about to break through, so it will balance out soon. I just cant believe he decided to get all 6 teeth in a two week period of time! He has actually been pretty good given the circumstances. I have also decided to stop nursing as of last night. Al was waking up at least once sometimes even twice and wanting to nurse for the past week and I have nothing to give him. He would then proceed to take down an 8 oz bottle at midnight like he haddent just nursed before bed! I feel like I have been starving him.
Also, now that I know how much he is dinking each day, I wont feel so bad letting him cry it out at night... which makes my sleeping situation so much better! Is that selfish?
And finally, Al is so close to crawling that everytime he is on the ground we are sitting on the edge of our seat waiting anxiously for him to figure it out. Its so exciting to watch him get that much closer each day. He now moves both hands up and then his knees slip down when he tries to move them... so he ends up going forward, but not in crawling fashion. His biggest motivation is Ava. he loves to get the cats...
In these next two pictures, I was trying to capture him climbing up on a pillow, but the camera became too entriguing. I personally appreciate the halo of wispy hair standing up on his head.

This is the messiest baby ever... the barley biscuits have come in handing during this teething time. However, he is only allowed to have these if a bath is soon to follow.
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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A new tooth too!

This week has been quite a week and it's only Wednesday. On Monday I discovered Al is getting the top left tooth now. It hasnt broken the skin yet but it is there and he is cranky.
And, now that he can get up on all fours he is trying to figure out how to move, so he will move one leg and then move it back and do the other leg... then he finall figured out how to pick up his arm and move it forward then scoot his cute little legs under him...what will tonight hold??! I cant wait to get home!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Go baby go...

Ok, so yesterday I took this adorable video of Al trying to sit up and then get down and grab the cat. I tried to post it, but I saved it side ways and I cant turn it around. However, tonight it got even better. I was nursing him right before bed (which is a crap shoot these days, he is way too busy to sit still for 20 minutes) and he saw the cat, so of course he wants down and he is going to get down if thats the last thing he does. So, I put him on the floor and he got immediately on his knees and started lunging himself toward Ava. Much to her dismay he grabbed her foot and pulled as hard as he could... she took it quite well actually and just scooted north. So he did it again, and again, and again.. I swear about 50 times! Enough that I actually caught it on video after the cat finally got smart and bailed out of the room.
Here is my little mover and shaker...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh no, we're here already!

So I keep thinking to myself, he is not even 7 months old! Al's new thing is to pull himself up at the side of the crib and hang his head over the rail and cry. Of course, he cant get down once he is up, so we have to go in there...clever little fella.
He can also sit up from laying on the floor all on his own. He looks so big doing it! It sort of makes me sad. I was thinking the other day how much I love the stage he is in right now and I already know I am going to miss it. He is just so sweet. He recognizes me and gets excited when I come in the room or cries when I leave. It just makes you feel so good.

Park City Play Time

We went to Park City this weekend to see my sister. My dad and Carlene met us in Dallas and flew the second leg of the trip to UT with us and our cranky baby. Al did fairly well, but definitely had his moments. (I have to give him a break, he was in "the silver tube" for 6 hours, teething, missing knaps, and without his own space)
We stayed at this amazing hotel with a living room, kitchen, etc... so it was perfect for taking care of a baby! Dad and Carlene happily took on the baby Al challenge during the day while Beau and I skied... well Beau sort of skied...just kidding honey. love you :)
They had the greatest outdoor heated pool that was like a big, giant bathtub and it was wonderful. I want to be there right now. I really wanted to take Al swimming, but no one would let me since it was outdoors...poo
The snow wasnt great, but I loved seeing my family and relaxing... so so great.

Here are some pictures...

The whole family picture

Baby Al loves his Papa

We finally got a Reinberg family picture... Al looks so happy to have us as parents

Al looking thrilled again... he must not have seen the beautiful mountains in the background
No, seriously Al was so good this weekend. After one night he pretty much fell right back into his good sleep routine and put up with everyone fawning over him 24/7 like a champ. Gosh, I wish I were still there!