Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Eve!

This morning we walked out to Beau's car and found a boom- one of AL's Christmas requests; needless to say he was thrilled!

So naturally they all climbed inside. Please note the current temperature is 31 degrees- and Beau is in short sleeves.
Merry Christmas everyone!

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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Holidays- part 1

Our holidays, since Al was born, always start with the Winter Lights walk at Tilles Park on the weekend before thanksgiving. This year Albert was thrilled to tell Santa everything he wants for Christmas- a pusher, a digger, a drill, etc. Hope, on the other hand, was not so fond of the strange man in a big red suit.

The kids and I left for Texas on Monday and got a full visit with almost every Marak/Whitley family member on our 6 day stay.
Here we are at the airport eating dinner- nothing like a picnic on that pristine floor!

Our first stop- Lake House fun with Nana and Papa.

And Nana got Hopie her first cowgirl hat!

Look how dry the lake is!! Pray for rain!

Then it was back to Nonni and Pops house. It's amazing what a table just their size will do for getting two crazy kids to sit still!

Yes, it's that signature smile again...

And Shelly brought her babies over for dinner. Koen and Al played so so well together. Here they have made plasticware and plates into a masterpiece.

And when we returned home I thought it best to kick Christmas off with a gingerbread house!

This holiday season I feel much less stressed- I am hoping this continues proving the holidays can be enjoyable again!!

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