Monday, April 27, 2009

Just a note

Oh wow, this weekend was a whirlwind... from the Friday night Cubs vs. Cards game (and Aaron drinking heavily) to the all day Sunday party with the Reinberg extended family (Aaron not drinking at all ever again), we had one of the best weekends of the year.  I have some great pictures and I will share when I have some time to download them.  I just have to say that Al was such a great baby this weekend even with cutting another tooth on bottom, he never complained and we even got some snuggle time at 3 am when he got to sleep in bed with mommy bc daddy was out of town. (that is the best).  I am going to break all the rules with him because it just feels good to hold him and comfort him when he cries, even in the middle of the night.
Ill be back later with more details...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I am so disgusted with our agricultural industry. The more I become informed on the process the more helpless I feel, and I hate that. So, I am no longer eating pork because that is the only thing I can do right now to take a stand against the way our animals are raised and treated in the large scale commercial farms where most, if not all, of our meat comes from. I am not opposed to eating sustainably raised animals; it is not the eating of animals that upsets me.
Did you know that when piglets are born they are allowed to nurse for 10 days and then are taken from their mothers to be grain-fed as this makes them fatter faster. Because they are so prematurely weaned they never satisfy their sucking reflex and are in such close quarters that they bite eachothers tails to the point of infection. Because the industry does not want to pay for pharmaceuticals or give the animals enough space to live, they snip off the tails to a small nub using plyers and no anesthetic. They leave a nub so that when a pig tries to go after anothers tail it hurts so bad that they actually fight back. Reading this makes tears come to my eyes. It is wrong. Your arguement may be that we have to raise animals this way to produce enough meat to feed the demand, but I say if we were not such a gluttonous country of which 35% of our people are obese and 30% are overweight, then we wowuldnt have to raise our animals this way. This is not a joke. If you have ever had a spit roasted whole pig you would see the tail nub.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

WAve Taco

Beau's restaurant/outdoor bar/volleyball courts opened on Monday! The food (only Tacos) is awesome... best taco's I have ever had, and I am not just saying that bc it is my husbands business. He is working so hard. Up in the morning for his "day job" at Carhill and then over to Wave in th afternoon until midnight or 1am!! Seriously, and he has to pick up Al and take him to daycare when I cant... in his spare time. This basically means that until things get smoothed out over at the business Aaron will be doing most parent duties solo. But, that is okay... I love the baby and I want Beau to succeed... for better or worse, right? SO, for all of you in STL go down there and get a taco, have a drink, and enjoy the sand downtown.
Since Beau will not be around much, I bought myself a toy/health motivation mobile. It is a jogging stroller, and I LOVE it... very high tech, outdoorsy and just plain cool looking. ( not that the looks really matter, but I am excited about it!) I am starting a running regimine in the mornings to build up my endurance for longer runs with Al. He is going to like it too... it has little holders for his drinks and toys! yeay... will report back on my first experience soon, but it is still a little cold to take him out just yet.
In other news, Al and I are headed to TX to see nonni and poppi and aunt booty. SO excited! We havent seen them since Christmas.
Have a good weekend everyone!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Our Little Dare Devil and Friends

As I mentioned before, Al is now pulling up to a stand anywhere he can get a good hold on things. He also loves the stairs at grandma's but thankfully has not figured out how to climb them yet! He just looks so grown up.

Look Mom, one hand... this usually ends in a face plant, but I just cant believe he lets go like he actually knows what he's doing. haha

Happy Easter! Hunter's newest thing is to wear a basketball uniform ALL the time (which oddly enough he is not wearing in this picture), but the Easter Bunny thought Al should have one to match Hunter, so when he got it today, Hunter wanted Al to wear it immediately. We were attempting to get them to both smile at the camera at the same time...yeah right. And later Hunter was feeding Al the toy cowboy in his right hand... so funny. Al liked it; he'll eat anything.

I wante dto introduce you all to baby Parker.. 4 months tomorrow! Beau was so happy to finally have a baby to cuddle with in this picture.
Have a great week!!
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Oh my...

So, yesterday Al started to pull himself to a stand and he is so fearless. I mean, he is not stable by any means, but he will let go and grab the toy he is after like he has a clue what he is doing. And then, of course, he falls and cries. It is so cute though to see him do it all... I left my camera at Linda's house or I would have posted a picture.
I have a stye in my right eye and it is really annoying... how do I get rid of it?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Welcome new girlfriend!

Abby had her baby last night! Caroline... (come to think of it, I dont know what her middle name is.. bad friend) She weighed in at 9 pounds and Abby is doing great. She looks just like Abby with Ian's coloring if you ask me. It is so funny how you start to see how much a couple resembles eachother through their children.
One of these days I am going to have one of those moments where you have nothing to do... and I am going to remember how crazy I feel right now so that I can enjoy that moment! haha. I am so excited to have a late morning tomorrow with my baby. I barely got to see him tonight and I hate that. I have to work late tomorrow too, but at least I will get to see him in the morning. And, I was so happy tonight Beau washed and remade all of Al's bottles with out me even asking! (such a good feeling to have help)
It is going to be beautiful tomorrow, and we have our first garden kids class of the season. I am always nervous at the start of new things, but I know it will work out. We are making Beet Chocolate Cake... Ill let you know how it turns out.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Just some thoughts...

Al is currently playing in the trash as I write this, but I really dont care. I am trying to be more laid back, but maybe that is not an area I should relax about? I am so controlling... if you didnt already know. I want everything to be perfectly in its place at all times, which s not going to happen...but I want it to. (Now Al is chewing on wires, is that really all that bad?) and now he is laying on Ava, abd she is not happy.)...
Anyway, my work conference was fantastic and reviving. I cant wait to get to work on Monday; weird, I know.
(Now Al is licking the fire place screen)... haha, gross
One of the sessions was digital camera 101; very enlightning. I am trying to use the "Rule of Thirds" in all of my picture now. haha, its a work in progress.
I'd better go... here are some goofy teeth pictures!
My finger looks really old in the corner of this picture.
I really got the eyes in the top third, yeay me!!
Oh no, Al just tumped ofver my flower pot...crap