Monday, September 28, 2009

My little chef

I have always said that Al is going to me a chef someday. He loves to watch me chop vegetables and taste the food as I cook. He always wants to be on the counter or standing on a chair so he can see what I am doing, even if it is me walking over to stir pasta for two seconds he wants to see. These are some pictures to document the process...

Adorable new things Al is doing

1. Screaming (in a very mad yet hilarous way). He holds his arms down by his side and tightens them into a rigid position and the yells "ahhh" getting red faced at the same time. Then he laughs like what he did was really cute.
2. At the end of a bath I say "time to get out" and he immediately attempts to pull the plug open (which I have to help him with). He then sits in the tub letting the water drain around him until it is all gone. Then he lays face down, arms and legs stretched out and acts like he is swimming.
3. He says "woof woof" when you ask him what a dog says and "mmmm" for a cow. We are working on cat, but so far he can only say "yaoow" and that has only been a couple of times with much prompting.
4. His sign for "more" now goes beyond food to mean anything that he wants more of... to play with that toy some more, to go for a longer walk, to play with my phone.. etc. haha

I realized this week that my baby is turning into much more of a boy and it is so awesome to see. :) My hope for him is that he is a sweet and kind person who is happy being Albert.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Taking it Easy

So I have been having contractions for about 1 week now and I am only a little over 20 weeks. Yesterday my doctor started me on Progesterone? and told me to "take it easy" and stay off my feet. Now, for those of you who know me, you know those activities are not in my repertoire. Go Go Go is more like it. But I would say I am sufficiently scared now. She sent me back for another US of my cervix today and it is 2-4mm shorter than 2 weeks ago. Not good. So, I either take a load off now, or I will get to the point of the dreaded bed-rest. I cant do that.
Everyone at work is being so helpful. The past two days I have been teaching while sitting down, which is not easy and a little awkward, but I am not going to have a pre-term baby so this is the way it is...
wish me luck and say a prayer

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Its a Girl

In all of the crazyness I dont think I ever posted that I was pregnant or that it was a girl... so there it is. No names for sure, but I am thinking Louise Ann Reinberg (Lui for short)

Why wont the boy sleep?

Is it teeth? Is it me? Is he spoiled?
Al has been fighting sleep the past 2 weeks off and on. Sometimes (when Beau puts him down) he is asleep no problem from 7:30 on. Then there are nights like last night where he went to sleep at 7 and woke up at 8:30 screaming. Of course, I go in there bc traditionally he is not a screamer. He has thrown all of his stuff over the cribs edge and is in full on tears. I hand him back his stuff and pick him up, which calms him about 0% and he is still screaming. So I think, well this is how he acts in the morning so maybe he is hungry (and he refuses to drink milk from a cup, so he didnt have any before bed or with dinner). I fed him a bottle... calm while doing that and screaming after that. Even if I take him into the living room to hang out he is a mess, crying at every fall (he is so tired). I lay him back in bed... screaming. I give him Tylenol... screaming. Finally last night I read him about 10 books and then put him in bed. He screamed for maybe 2 minutes and then was out. By now it is 10pm and I am pissed bc I got zero relaxation time and no good feelings of being a comforting parent, bc he is impossible to comfort! Ahhh..
I have a really hard time letting him cry, but man I really dont know what else to do.
Frustrating... cant he just tell me what's wrong!