Saturday, January 30, 2010

Stomache Pains and Cute Pics

So the Reinberg family has been under the weather... I mean the WHOLE family. Starting with Jason, then Linda, then Greg, then me, then Beau and finally it has rested with Carlene; we hope. Poor Carlene came to visit and went home so sick! Some sort of 24 hour stomach terror with cramps that linger for days.... yuck.

It is now Saturday and Papa dared to come in last night and risk his health. Granny has skated by unaffected thus far, so we are hoping it is all over.

Hope is getting so big... she is almost in Size 1 diapers and feels so much heavier. Her face is filling out and she is definitely awake now. She cried for about 2 hours yesterday evening, poor baby. She is kind of gassy... hmm.
I love this face:

Here is Al this morning geared up to go to the Kolache store with daddy.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The City Museum... fun or disaster?

We took Al over to the City Museum last night and he had a blast! It is an indoor/outdoor playground for kids and adults made all of recycled materials. He went down the 2 story slides with dad and dove into the balls in the toddler area all by himself. I was having nightmares of the older kids crushing him while he suffocated under all those balls (terrible, I know). He didnt seem to mind when he sunk all the way to the bottom though.
Anyway, while attempting to leave the fit began. This was the longest, most obsurd temper tantrum I have ever seen him throw; I mean it lasted for 45 minutes. The entire walk home, he would try to turn and make a break for it back to the museum. The fit contiued through his bath and into his dinner, which he refused to eat. So ridiculous. I wish I had a video.
However, I feel so bad bc we found out a couple days ago he has a double ear infection. (you would never know though, he is acting fine) And then this morning he woke up in a bed of throw up and then threw up 2 more times as the morning progressed. I felt bad for him, but I felt really sorry for myself as I had to clean it all up gagging the entire time :). I don know what is up though, bc he still acts fine, like nothing is wrong. I dont know... I guess if he does it again I will call the dr in the morning. hmm.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Week One with Hope

Here are some new pictures of Hope. My mom and Lee Lee came to visit this past weekend and she brought her camera, so of course I now have about 100 pics of baby girl... but none with Nonnie! Sorry mom.
Hope went for her one week apt yesterday and she is doing well. 7lb 4oz and 20.5 inches. She is now only nursing on one side... still so sleepy and have to wake her up every 3-4 hours during the day. She goes about 4 hours at night in between feedings, so that is nice. Hopefully that will only get longer? haha. Al got all the eyelashes in this family... poor Hope has none.

The next few pictures are from the latest adventures of Al in his box house... made by dad.
this face pretty much sums up Al's attitude lately

these are the rain boots Nonnie brought for him... he wants to wear them all the time
My girlfriends came over for a lunch party on MLK Day... this was actually a pretty good picture for the amount of chaos that was going on in trying to get everyone together!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I really did not think I would feel this way. My thought, prior to this, was that I am not sad for the fact that Al will no longer be my only baby, this was just the way it would be, the way God wanted it; and now, I am in the midst of the reality of the situation and it is so much harder than I imagined. He is so sweet...

... and now he is not the only one. He has to share, and at first (the first few days, Hope was home) he was rather oblivious and generally happy. However, times seem to have changed in the past 48 hours. He has never been a clingy child, and now he wants no one but me. He wants me to do everything for him. I just feel so bad. I want him to know that she is not replacing him, but how do you say that to a 17 month old? I know this too shall pass, and it will become normal, but right now I am so sad. Every morning when he wakes up, it just happens to be right when Hope wakes up to nurse, so when he comes to watch cartoons in our bed, I have Hope in my arms. This morning he came up and tried to push her out of my arms... so I gave her to Leah and told him that he could come and snuggle with mommy. He was so happy that it made me sad again. Hormones... I know I will figure it out... how to balance my time with the two babies and understand when Al is justified in getting my attention and when to say it is okay that he is upset because it is my time to be with Hope. I am just getting used to it all, as we all are here in the Reinberg Family. I am so thankful that Beau is being 100% supportive of my crazy crying spells and often turns them into laughing moments. (he says the aliens are back. ;) )

Nonnie and Lee Lee left today, but we so enjoyed having them here! I love them ad wish so badly that they lived closer,but it makes their visits that much better. I will post more pictures after Hope's one week appointment this afternoon.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More of Hope and Family

So hilarious.. I swear she did not suffocate on the way home, and she was definitely warm enough!

This is sweet baby Al, hapily eating pancakes... shortly after letting Hope watch morning cartoons with him. :)
He is such a ham these days, saying "cheese!" everytime we pull out the camera now.

Hope Margaret Reinberg

Sleeping peacefully her first night home

My first meeting with Hope

Just after she was born... look at the position of those legs!

...formerly, Baby Girl, was born January 8th at 8:33 pm. She weighed in at 6lb 7oz and was 20 inches long. When I scheduled the ECV last Tuesday, I asked God to give me a sign if He didnt want me to do it, and apparently that was not on his agenda. Either that, or Hope couldnt take the enormous root beer float and chili cheese dog I ate for lunch on Friday afternoon.

Here is how the day went down... felt really good until after lunch, when around 3 or so I started tracking my contractions bc they were starting to hurt way more than normal. They were the kind that start in your back and wrap around to the front and were fairly regular at about every 6 or 7 minutes. So, I call Beau to go get all bc I didnt feel comfortable driving with him in the car and I went home around 4:30 to lay down. By the time they got home at about 5:30, I thought maybe we should go in to the hospital just to check... so I packed a sparse bag and my camera just in case and we headed in, really not thinking much of it. By the time they first checked me I was at 5 cm dilated and about 45 min later I was at a 7... needless to say when the dr realized how the progression was going, everyone was "in a tizzy" flying around me and I was in the OR in about 20 minutes. The anesthesiologist kept saying, dont worry we are going to get you out of this pain.. and I was thinking, "I am not in that much pain! why is everyone freaking out!". The OR was cold and bright and nothing like giving birth to Al. I got the spinal and then they had the baby out in 15 minutes, which was all so weird and abrupt. There i lay on the table gazing to my right at Beau and the baby and thinking how weird it all was...

The pain is somewhat similar to normal birth, just in a different place... but it lasts so much longer! By this time with Al I felt like new again and right now I am still taking motrin and struggling to bend over and get out of bed. ugh... not to complain or anything!

I am just so glad she is here happy and healthy as can be... and quite a size for being only 36 weeks and 3 days! I loved being in the hospital and stayed as long as I could, though I missed my baby boy. He didnt seem to share the same feelings though as he couldnt wait to leave with grandma and grandpa each night when he came to see me and Hope. :) Al is a sweetie and thus far has been a completely loving big brother.

Hope is a champion nurser and a peaceful baby so far. She looks just like her daddy did when he was a baby. Enjoying the two weeks that Hope and I get to spend together and looking forward to having Al join in the fun when I am a little more recovered!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ribs, Cravings and NAP Pillows

Baby girls feet are seriously jammed into the right side of my ribs. I have to sit with my right arm over my head to give her room.. so funny to me. I wonder what that must feel like for her. Her baby head protrudes from the right side of my stomach, just above my belly button. What is going on on the left side... nothing, absolutely nothing. It is like my uterus is crooked. Everything is on my right side.

I just ate an entire bag of snap peas (the frozen ones that you put in the microwave... yumm). I also love whole, raw carrots. Part rabbit, part girl. Dont worry, there is a cheese pizza in the oven. Beau and I are also totally obsessed with whole edamame (from a frozen bag, similar to the snap peas), lots of salt... delicious. Al will eat a couple, but is generally not interested.

And finally... the N.A.P. pillow from Brookstone. If you dont have one; run, dont walk, to the nearest store and get one. Especially if you are pregnant. They are not expensive, and are the best little multi-purpose pillow... for cuddling, neck resting, belly propping, back comfort, and I also plan on using it to prop my arms for nursing. It is unbelieveable. Al has one too, he also loves it and sleeps with it every night.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

36 week apt.

If you look closely, I swear you can see a small bump at the top of my belly (her head)

All is same... we discussed what will happen before during and after c-section and the same with the ECV "trying to turn the baby". Beau and I decided to try the ECV after talking with the dr. more about it. So we scheduled it for next wednesday morning. I will be at the hospital for 3-4 hours and then be released. 60% success rate, so say some prayers!

Al's words

At almost 17 months here's some of the things he can say now... (for my records, you see I'm not the baby book type)
1. Two, three, eight (we are working on the others)
2. grape ("gape")
3. Ava
4. Brady ("bee bee" his friend at school)
5. truck
6. tractor
7. socks
8. shoes
9. back pack
10. bowl
11. spoon and fork
12. orange
13. blueberry ("bubee")

Not so good with the R's yet, but it is so cute to hear him talk. He is starting to be able to tell me what he wants if I give him two options and understand more and more when I tell him what to do... "pick up the book" for instance. Sometimes when I ask him to do something though, he flat out tells me "no", like uh I dont think so mom. It is not harsh, but more matter of fact. too funny

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Little Body Builder

One of Al's new resolutions was to get in shape...

I had to add this last one because his little legs looked hilarious... Im thinking power lifter

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well this year was the first year that I can remember that I didnt make it to midnight. :) This must be one of those signs of old age, along with wrinkles and saggy body parts. However, we did have a great night at The Jason Reinberg household... eating delicious ribeye steaks and all the fixins. Gregg, Linda and Cody made it back just in time for dinner too, so it was nice to have the whole family together.
I also had a great night in reference to baby girl... virtually no contractions, wonderful nights sleep, and still going! She is still kicking, I was a little worried something was wrong bc I felt so good. haha. Anyway, I have hope that this is a sign of the wonderful New Year to come!