Sunday, February 17, 2008


So we heard the heartbeat! Woohoo... finally. I feel like it is a more official. We are going to have a baby! It was slightly nerve wracking because it took about 3 minutes for her to locate the heartbeat...something about my uterus being tilited? Anyway it was down near my right hip bone almost. Also exciting is that we will get to find out the sex of the baby next time we go! Only 4 weeks until we can call the baby by name.

I am in KC right now, visiting Allie (my best friend who is also pregnant, about 6 weeks ahead of me). It has been so fun to see her! However, it is now snowing and I am trying to get back to St. Louis. Yuck! We are supposed to get about 6 inches of snow and it is coming down hard. I am trying to figure out what to do... stay/go... it will just get worse probably so I think I am going to take the plunge. It will probably take me 10 hours to get to CoMO to pick up Beau since I will be driving 20 mph! haha. Wish me luck!


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